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Hi, I am the webmaster of this site, although I'd consider myself a novice at best; that's why it's fugly at the moment. Call me Buck, Buckshot, whatever. Online alias.

I created this site with the intent of making it an online archive, something cool I can look back on later, but also a place I can bitch and whine to my heart's content. Here's what you can expect to see in the future:

  • Media reviews -- games, books, films, etc.
  • Writing; I enjoy writing, fiction or not.
  • Recipes -- I am an avid baker, and dabble in cooking ever so often.
  • Music and programming progress.
  • Shrines dedicated to my favourite things... e.g, cats, poets, authors, etc.

bear with me...

test results
What Flavour Are You? I taste like Bread.I taste like Bread.

I am a staple in almost everyone's diet. Friends like me are a complement to any other friends I get on with almost everyone, remaining mostly in the background, but providing substance when it would otherwise be lacking.

All writing on this website is © Copyright BUCKSHOT unless stated otherwise, 2024.